Exclusive Offers

Hôtel Villa Maillot S.A.S

Nuit & Détente

Explore our special “Nuit & Détente” offer if you’re looking for a luxurious getaway.

It includes an overnight stay in one of our elegant rooms, followed by a relaxing massage in our wellness space.

You will wake up refreshed and ready to explore the delights of Paris. An all-encompassing experience adding up to a memorable stay at the Hôtel Étoile Maillot.

Hôtel Villa Maillot S.A.S

Romantic Break

Treat yourself and your loved one to a romantic break at the Hôtel Étoile Maillot, where every detail is designed for love.

Our special offer includes a charming scattering of petals, a bottle of fine champagne, and a plate of exquisite macaroons, creating an enchanting atmosphere for an unforgettable night for two.

Celebrate your love amidst elegance and refinement in the heart of Paris.

Hôtel Villa Maillot S.A.S

A Sporting Summer in Paris 25% OFF

Get ready… Set …. Go for a performing and passionate summer in Paris!!

Join the Hôtel Étoile Maillot for an unforgettable experience right in the heart of the international sporting events this summer in Paris.

Discover our specially made offer
with the Competition Rate 25% OFF for sport enthusiasts and spirit of the competition.

Jump on our exceptional offer starting from a two-night stay, plus a Bottle of Champagne and a plate of Macarons served upon your arrival, a delicious free morning buffet breakfast, and an unlimited access to our Wellness Area of course!

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“A Sporting Summer in Paris 25% OFF”

Discover our  Competition Rate 25% OFF

Jump on our exceptional offer starting from a two-night stay, a Bottle of Champagne and a plate of Macarons served upon your arrival, a delicious free morning buffet breakfast, and an unlimited access to our Wellness Area of course!